By: Melissa Winch

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Dion Warwick Concert

A few weeks ago I went to the Dion Warwick concert at the Hard Rock Live. Before the concert I had never heard of her. I knew a few of her songs, after asking which songs she did. We got our tickets. They weren't bad seats, they weren't great seats but that's only because the ladies behind us kept screaming. They would only scream when nobody else in the entire arena was screaming which made it that mush louder. Their screams were ear piercing screams, nothing compared to the sound of the entire crowd screaming and cheering. They were horrible! Here is some background information on Dion. Dion was born in 1940. She had 56 singles that were charted in the top 100 between the years of 1962 and 1998. She is ranked #2 by billboard magazine. Aretha Franklin is #1. A few of her greatest hits include "Just Walk on By" and "I Say A Little Prayer For You". The stage had a drum set, two sets of keyboards (one on each side), a sitting bass player, and a baby grand piano in the center of the stage. When Dion first took the stage she began introducing herself and talking about a few different things. It sounded just like Tina Turner on the beginning of the song "Rolling On The River". Her voice was soft and scratchy. It sounded very weak. The concert started out great! She played a few songs that even I knew. Her voice sounded like she was straining, and by the look on her face anybody could definitely tell she was straining. Near the middle of the concert she decided she was going to introduce someone very special to her. She went through this whole long introduction. She was talking about her son. He was originally her drummer when he was a kid. Then he decided he wanted to go back to school and he did. One day he decided to sing and boy oh boy can he sing. I would go to a concert just to watch him. He was amazing. What's funny though is that he does not sing for a living. He is a police officer. Dion convinced him to go on tour with her and sing a few songs with her. They did a few duets together and he sang a song solo. He was wonderful. What a nice surprise. When they finished singing a song she decided it was now time for her to do a few new songs. When I say a few that actually meant about 5 or 6 very slow sappy love/ heartache songs. I'm all game for those kind of songs but when you play 5 or 6 of them in a row that it's just too much. I wasn't the only one thinking that. A couple hundred people got up and left in the middle of the concert. They just couldn't take it anymore. We sat the and endured it. When she finished doing her new songs everyone woke up again and she started playing the originals again, the songs we came to hear her sing. She brought out her son a few more times and introduced her band. Overall, the concert was good. It got a bit boring around the middle but she recovered in the end with a few of her hit songs. The ladies behind me drove me crazy but that had nothing to do with her. I enjoyed the concert.

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