By: Melissa Winch

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Three Dog Night

Last week I went to see Three Dog Night in concert. I have seen them before so I wasn't too excited, but I always love to go to concerts so I was still excited. The concert was at the Hard Rock Live in Hollywood. We showed up early and got our tickets. They were the tickets for our favorite place but they were very good tickets. We were 7 or 8 rows back from the stage. I could see the sweat on their faces. Three Dog Night Started in 1968 and originally had 3 lead singers, they were Chuck Negron, Cory Wells, and Danny Hutton. Now, Three Dog Night consist of Danny Hutton and Cory Wells. Chuck Negron has his own band now called Chuck Negron of Three Dog Night. In the recent concert I saw the original guitar player was also still with them and the keyboard player has been friends wi them since the 1960's. The drummer was the newest addition of the band. He has been with them for the last two decades. Not so new if you ask me. The band sounded good. It was a bit loud since we were seated so close to the speakers, but it was much quieter than I expected. Luckily this time we didn't have screaming girls behind, beside, or in front of us. I will talk about them more in a few other concerts I attended. Nobody sat in the seats directly in front of us which was fantastic.the seats were great. The songs they played were all very good. Some older bands that still tour love, for some silly reason, to sing their newest additions. They just don't realize we did not come here to hear you new songs. Ok, maybe one or two is alright so they can promote their new CDs, but 5, 6... It starts getting very old very fast. The band started playing and then Wells and Hutton ran up on stage and the crowd went wild. They both started out the concert just standing in front of their microphones. They hardly moved. By the end of the concert Cory came to life but Danny was still quite motionless. They both sang great, there were a few notes they couldn't hit anymore but I've heard much worse. They started to sing the song "Mama Told Me Not to Come" and after the first verse Cory started telling us a story about one of their fans. The fan had came up to them and told him the song "Mama Told Me Not to Come" was the grandaddy of all rap songs. He asked the fan what he was smoking and if he could have some. ( Apparently they were big in the drugs, when people tell me that I always ask " Who wasn't?") he went back to the band and asked them if they could make a twenty first century version of the song. The band came back five minute later and the sounds of records scratching can be hear over the speakers and then the beat of a drum machine. Cory walks to the back of the stage and picks up and puts on a few thing. Everyone burst out laughing when he turned around. He was wearing a white cap turned to the side, some bright purple glasses and a huge chain. The other band members except Danny put n brightly colored hats. Cory started doing that gangster walk to the front of the stage and let me tell you. He started rapping, then he was rapping to "Mama Told Me Not to Come". It was hilarious and let me tell you... He pulled it off perfectly, I was amazed. When he finished rapping they went back to the original version and finished the song. They played a few more songs they said they were going to play a new one. They said this one is for the children around the world. The six of them sang archapella " The Cry of the Children". It was phenomenal. I have never heard people sing like that in person, only on the computer or through the phone. They went flat a few times but it is really hard when you have that many people singing, normally it's four. Overall, I was very impressed by the concert, it is now one of my favorites. It is a must see.

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